Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Novo Uno EVO 1.4

Vejam O Resultado De Alguns Testes Do Novo Uno EVO 1.4

Apesar de não ter gostado muito do design do novo modelo do uno, não tenha nada a criticar sobre o consumo do carro. Isso porque, tenho alguns colegas que adquiriram o carro e me falaram que, tanto o modelo antigo quanto o novo estão consumindo praticamente a mesma coisa.

Vale Ressaltar que, como eu destaquei "praticamente" ele não é igual o milagroso uno mile. Segundo relato de alguns proprietários do modelo antigo basta passar com o carro perto de um posto de gasolina que o mesmo anda, ou seja nem precisava abastecer de verdade rsrsrsr.

Mas sem delonga vamos voltar a falar do novo uno e seu desempenho nas pistas.

Desempenho: O motor flex de 88 cv com álcool deixa a desejar em baixa rotação, mas sua retomada chega a ser interessante, realmente o carro faz o que promete, ele é voltado para a cidade.

Console: Os botões são bem distribuídos e fáceis de manusear, o que falta é abertura de janelas nas portas. Como já foi dito o cambio mais elevado também é um ponto positivo pra ele.

Conforto (6) : Para um popular, possui bancos confortáveis, mas a posição para dirigi-lo deixa a desejar assim como o elevado valor pela aquisição do ar condicionado.

Estabilidade : Mesmo andando dentro da cidade já é perceptível que o vento é um vilão, mas sua suspensão se comporta muito bem durante frenagens, não deixando que o carro incline demais.

Acabamento: Muito bom para um carro popular, o plástico texturizado do painel e o estofado dos bancos foram muito bem escolhidos, apenas os botões do console aparentam ser frágeis.

Visual (8) : O interior está realmente muito chamativo, mas por fora seu visual apesar de moderno não é muito harmônico. Contando também a ausência de rodas de liga leve.

Consumo: Apesar de continuar gastando pouco seu modelo antigo era com certeza mais econômico, hoje mantém a marca dos melhores em consumo, mas perdeu seu 1º lugar.

Custo / Benefício : Caso queira pegar um carro "pelado" (sem acessórios), continua sendo um ótima opção, mas conforme colocamos os opcionais o preço do modelo sobe muito, ao ponto de comprar carros de melhor qualidade com vários dos itens vindos de série.

Ficha Técnica do carro testado:

Nome: Uno 1.4 Evo
Motor: 1.4 Evo
Potência (cv): 85 (g) / 88 (e)
Torque(kgf.m): 12,4(g) / 12,5 (e)
Câmbio: 5 marchas
Tração: Dianteira
Freios: Disco sólido na dianteira
Tambor na traseira
Direção: Hidráulica
Peso: 925kg
Porta malas: 285 litros
Tanque: 48 litros
0 - 100: 11,5 seg
Máxima: 172 km/h
Consumo(km/l): 9,1 / 12,2
Preço: R$ 36.821,00

via: Garagem GTI

Chevrolet Camaro 2002

Chevrolet Camaro 2002 Manual do Proprietário

Chevrolet Camaro 2002 Owner's Manual

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BMW 318ti 1995-1999

BMW 318ti 1995-1999 Resolução de Problemas Manual Eletrônico - ETM

BMW 318Ti 1995 - 1999 Electronic Troubleshooting Manual - ETM

Introduction, symbols, Power Distribution Chart, Fuse Chart, Ground Distribution, Slip Control, Power Mirrors, Power Seats, Heated Seats, Electric Folding sunroof, and more.

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Monday, September 27, 2010

Jaguar XE Roadster 2011

Jaguar XE Roadster 2011 - sucessor do lendário E-Type

2011 Jaguar XE Roadster – successor to the legendary E-Type

Muitas pessoas estavam preocupadas com o futuro da Jaguar, quando a Tata Motors comprou da Ford. Tendo em vista o novo luxo XJ amamos Jag onde está indo e não pode esperar para ver o que está próximo para a Jaguar.

De acordo com a Autobild, Jaguar muito provavelmente apresentar o sucessor do lendário E-Type de 2011 em Frankfurt Motor Show.

Chamado XE Roadster vai sair contra o SLK Mercedes-Benz, BMW Z4 e Porsche Boxster.

Jaguar chefe Mike O'Driscoll Autobild disse: "Nós temos um grande desejo de construir este carro." O XE continuará o novo design da linha com um

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Volvo Releases initials details for new plug-in hybrid due in 2012

Volvo V70 Plug-in hybrid demonstration car
Volvo is teaming up with Swedish energy utility Vattenfall to create a new plug-in hybrid. The automaker claims a new diesel/electric vehicle will emerge from the partnership and hit the market in 2012.

The two companies began working together over two years ago to explore the technology that makes plug-in vehicles a reality. In conducting research, the two companies agree that these autos are not only better for the environment, but have the potential to create many new jobs with the introduction of a supporting infrastructure.
Volvo V70 Plug-in hybrid demonstration car

Volvo V70 Plug-in hybrid demonstration car

Volvo V70 Plug-in hybrid demonstration car

Volvo V70 Plug-in hybrid demonstration car

Volvo V70 Plug-in hybrid demonstration car

The Volvo Vattenfall plug-in hybrid public charging station

Volvo V70 Plug-in hybrid demonstration car

Volvo V70 Plug-in hybrid demonstration car

Volvo V70 Plug-in hybrid demonstration car

Volvo V70 Plug-in hybrid demonstration car

Volvo V70 Plug-in hybrid demonstration car

Volvo V70 Plug-in hybrid demonstation car components and packaging of the powertrain

Source:Volvo via World Car Fans

Press Release

Unique co-operation on environmental cars

Volvo Cars and Vattenfall to develop new plug-in hybrid

A Volvo that can be fuelled with electricity from a standard wall socket will be a reality in 2012. Swedish energy company Vattenfall and the Volvo Car Corporation are launching an industrial joint venture partnership to introduce plug-in hybrids on the market. The ground-breaking technology will considerably lower the environmental impact from traffic. In addition, owning a plug-in hybrid vehicle will be convenient since you can fuel up at home and fuel costs are significantly lower.

In January 2007, the Volvo Car Corporation and Vattenfall launched a joint project with the aim of testing and developing plug-in technology. Now their cooperation is being taken to the next level.

"We are investing in an industrial joint venture to series-produce plug-in hybrid cars in Sweden in 2012, cars that can be powered by both electricity and diesel. This is an important business development for us and our partnership with Vattenfall allows us to take a giant step toward offering our customers cars with an even smaller environmental footprint," says Stephen Odell, President and CEO of the Volvo Car Corporation.

Vattenfall and the Volvo Car Corporation believe that series production of plug-in hybrid cars and the development of infrastructure can generate new jobs and help Sweden maintain its position at the cutting edge of advanced pro-environmental technology.

The car can be charged at home

One of the major benefits of plug-in hybrids is that they can be charged from a regular household wall socket.

"We want to reinforce electricity's importance in society and its key role in solving climate issues. Through this cooperation we hope to be able to speed up the introduction of electric cars. Together we are developing the next-generation technology based on plug-in cars and various charging alternatives," says Lars G Josefsson, President and CEO of Vattenfall.

The development of the cars is being carried out and financed jointly by the two companies. The Volvo Car Corporation will manufacture the cars and Vattenfall will develop charging systems and supply the cars with electricity.

Innovative environmental technology

Electricity is very well-suited as a power source for cars. An electric motor has a high efficiency rating and consumes roughly one-fifth the energy needed to power an engine that runs on fossil fuels. The purchase price of the plug-in hybrids will be higher than that of cars with conventional technology. Batteries are still expensive but with the car running on electricity, its fuel costs will be cut to roughly one-third compared with diesel power.

Vattenfall will offer customers the opportunity to sign an agreement for renewable electricity sourced specifically from windpower or hydropower, as an alternative to the regular mix of electricity sources. Lars G Josefsson sees many benefits from chargeable plug-in hybrids, even in cases where the electricity does not come from renewable energy sources.

"Through electric power, we avoid the emissions from each individual car. Instead of petrol or diesel, the energy is derived from a few large power sources and Vattenfall is working hard to eliminate carbon dioxide emissions from all electricity production. In Sweden, virtually all Vattenfall's electricity production is emission-free," explains Lars G Josefsson.

The plug-in hybrid cars will be driven by a powerful electric motor fuelled by a lithium-ion battery. The battery takes about five hours to charge from a standard wall socket, and the battery is also charged every time the car's brakes are applied.

"Most car journeys are short trips, for instance to and from work. We will be able to offer a product that fulfils this transportation need. In order to cover longer distances as well, the car will also be equipped with one of Volvo's fuel-efficient diesel engines," says Stephen Odell.

Demonstration cars on show this summer

In the summer of 2009, three Volvo V70 demonstration cars will be presented. The demonstration cars will be used to gather information about the wishes and demands that drivers may have on the new technology, to determine their driving habits and to establish how they want to charge their cars. Vattenfall will, among other things, test various concepts for high-speed home charging and also for charging stations in public places, where owners pay to fuel with electricity instead of petrol or diesel. The cars that are planned to go into series production in 2012 will feature somewhat different technology, but the launch of the demonstration vehicles is a step towards series-producing plug-in hybrid cars specifically tailored to market needs.

Toyota's hybrid Supra successor on track for 2011

With all the rumors and anticipation surrounding Toyota's joint venture with Subaru to produce a front-engine, rear-wheel drive coupe, the automaker's Supra successor has been put on the news cycle's back-burner.

However, according to a report by Best Car, development has continued in earnest since the FT-HS Hybrid Sports Car Concept debuted at the Detroit Auto Show in 2007 and a prototype will supposedly begin making the rounds later this year.

While details are still limited, several sources are suggesting the rear-wheel drive sports car will be offered with a 3.5-liter V6 and the Lexus GS450h's 2GR-VSE 3.5-liter V6 which will be paired with the Toyota's Crown hybrid system. While the current 3.5-liter V6 only produces 268 hp and 248 lb-ft or torque, the Crown's hybrid system could enable the Lexus' V6 to produce more than 400 hp.

If Best Car's report is to be believed, we could see the next iteration of the FT-HS concept at the Tokyo Motor Show this November, with the production model debuting sometime in 2010 before its on-sale date the following year.

Compact hybrid Range Rover LRX gets green light

According to the report, Land Rover will borrow liberally from corporate partner Jaguar's hardware stable, which is rumored to soon include both hybrid and extended-range EV options. Land Rover's innovative electric drive rear axle is supposedly on the LRX menu, which would work along with the automaker's well-known and highly-effective Terrain Response System to put power to the ground wherever possible.

If there's any truth to these rumors, we shouldn't expect Land Rover to have the hybrid LRX in production until at least two years have passed. In the meantime, the British-built, Indian-owned automaker is set to debut stop/start and regenerative braking on all of its models to improve their environmental performance.

Automakers that hope to continue doing business over the next few years need to be increasingly aware of their fuel consumption, emissions and environmental credibility. In deference to this fact, Auto Express in the U.K. is reporting that Land Rover is moving forward with plans to launch the new LRX compact hybrid 'ute, possibly with a bit of help from the U.K. government.

BMW E24 1983-1989

BMW E24 1983-1989 Resolução de Problemas Manual Eletrônico - ETM

BMW E24 1983 - 1989 Electronic Troubleshooting Manual - ETM

Para 1983 - 1989 BMW 633CSi, 635Csi, L6 / M6

pass: pdftown.com

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Kia Sorento Pacote Sport

Imagem Kia Sorento modelos SUV com um pacote novo esporte.

Sorento 2011 Sport Package, entre outras coisas, que se caracteriza por um pára-choques dianteiro e spoiler diferente, mudou a grade dianteira, caixa escura da frente e um novo conjunto de rodas de alumínio brilhante.

As mudanças esperadas no interior, mas os detalhes só seguir.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010



fabricante de automóveis Ford acaba de lançar os primeiros detalhes e imagens do novo Ford Focus ST 2012, que será o desempenho da versão a próxima geração do Ford Focus. Este novo modelo deverá estrear em 2010 de Paris Auto Show, no final deste mês, juntamente com o resto da família Focus.

Mesmo que este portal quente está sendo revelado este ano não estarão disponíveis até 2012, mas a versão regular chegará showrooms no próximo ano.

O Ford Focus ST 2012 é alimentado por um novo 2.0-litro de quatro cilindros Ford, o motor EcoBoost, que desenvolve 250hp.

O fabricante diz que o novo Ford Focus ST 2012 irá oferecer um desempenho hilariante e tratamento, juntamente com um som viciante. A empresa também menciona que o novo Ford Focus ST 2012 é o seu primeiro modelo a ser desenvolvido no âmbito da nova estratégia global Performance Veículos.

Quanto ao design do Ford Focus ST 2012 vai, vai ter um novo pára-choques dianteiro com grelha de grandes dimensões, novas saias laterais e um spoiler traseiro teto.

O interior do Focus ST 2012 também foi redesenhado e agora traz bancos desportivo e que parece ser de fibra de carbono insere no painel.

A lista de preços de 2012 Ford Focus ST será anunciada numa data posterior.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

New Mercedes Benz CL550 4MATIC

New for 2009, the CL550 benefits from Mercedes-Benz's 4Matic all-wheel-drive system, as opposed to the standard rear-wheel drive of last year's CL. This is indeed one elegant car. The CL is a machine of elegance and everything, from the fantastic multi-function LCD instrument panel to the climate control buttons, has an aura of quality and sophistication about it.

Weighing in at 4,639 lbs, the CL550 uses its modest-for-the-size 382 hp to manage a startlingly quick sprint to 60 mph in just 5.3 seconds. The 4-Matic system moves power between all four wheels as needed, helping to keep the big CL in proper shape, especially on slippery, low-grip surfaces.

2011 Mercedes-Benz E350 4Matic Wagon

Mercedes-Benz is launching 2011 Mercedes-Benz E350 4Matic Wagon at the 2010 New York International Auto Show, open to the public April 2-11, 2010 at the Jacob Javits Center in Manhattan. Packed with useful new safety technology, the stylish next-generation E-Class Wagon is expected to reach U.S. dealerships in the summer of 2010.

Monday, September 20, 2010

BMW M5 2006 Manual do Proprietário

BMW M5 2006 Manual do Proprietário

BMW M5 2006 Owner's Manual

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